Terms of Use


  1. The present Terms and Condition define the terms of use of services and resources made available via the Internet on the basis of the Website – a training platform, available at course.piotrgarlej.com (hereinafter the Website).
  2. Acceptance of the present Terms and Conditions is a prerequisite for using all the resources of the Website.


Terms used in the present Terms and Conditions shall have the following meaning:

Service provider – owner and administrator – Sogito Piotr Garlej, ul. Kilara 11/1, 05-092 Łomianki Dolne, Poland, NIP [Tax No.] 5671679493, REGON 142916772.

Training Platform – a website located at kurs.piotrgarlej.com (along with all subpages that constitute an integral part of the Website), enabling Users/Customers/Participants to use the Website’s resources, in particular browsing the Website’s resources, purchasing and accessing purchased courses and training in the e-learning system, download the downloadable documents, graphics and other materials, participation in courses in the e-learning system.

User – a person using the Website resources without the need to log in (after prior registration and creating an account on the Website).

Customer – a person who has registered and holds an account on the Website.

Participant – a person who, after registering and creating an account on the website, purchased access to the available training/courses.

Training/course – a set of videos, presentations, exercises, tests, review materials, combined into a substantive whole, covering the scope of knowledge and practice, which are presented in the Description of the training/course, and made available on the Training Platform.

Registration on the Website – an activity consisting in user providing the data required to gain access to some of the Website resources. This operation consists in choosing an appropriate login and password, providing the name and surname, contact e-mail address and other data, as required for the possible issuing of an invoice after purchasing the training/course.

Username/Login – a string of characters (open), determined by the Customer/Participant for the purposes of registering on the Website and using its resources.

Password – a string of characters (secret, known only to the Customer/Participant), necessary to correctly log in to the Website and use its resources, including participation in courses/trainings provided on the Website.


  1. In order to use the Website resources, including participation in courses/trainings organized via the Website, it is necessary to have access to the Internet and a computer/tablet/mobile phone that supports the correct display of the website content. The Service Provider will exercise due diligence to ensure that the Website is displayed correctly on all the aforementioned devices and that the User/Customer/Participant will be able to use the website resources without inconvenience, using these devices.
  2. The Service Provider is not responsible for the inability to use some or all of the Website’s resources, if this inability is caused by technical deficiencies on the part of the User/Customer/Participant, and in particular due to incorrect configuration of the web browser or insufficient performance of the device.
  3. The Service Provider guarantees that the use of the Website’s resources does not cause the User/Customer/Participant to install any software without their knowledge and consent.


  1. All prices of Training/courses/other paid resources listed on the Website are GROSS prices, which means that the Participant pays the indicated amount, without the need to add VAT.
  2. The price given next to the product is considered binding. The Service Provider reserves the right to change prices, but with regard to a particular Participant, a price change cannot be effected after it purchases one or more products.
  3. The Service Provider reserves the right to set prices for individual Participants other than those listed for the products, including in particular the granting of discounts, installment sales, etc.


  1. The User/Customer who wishes to participate in the Training/Courses organized via the Website, registers on the Website and pays the fee for participation in the Training/course, using the method of payment selected from the available options.
  2. After registration, the User will receive an e-mail confirmation of creating an account on the Website. After creating the account, the User will have the option to log in to the Website.
  3. After selecting the Training/course, the User, having read the Description of the Training/course, pays the fee for the Training/course in which they would like to participate. After the payment is credited to the Service Provider’s bank account, the Participant receives an e-mail notification stating that the course is already available for them and thus becomes a Participant.
  4. Making a payment for participation in the Training/course is tantamount to conclusion of a contract for the provision of training services.
  5. The User who became a Participant receives access to the course purchased for a specified period of time, e.g. 365 days, depending on the type of package purchased.
  6. Using the training during the subscription period depends solely on the Participant’s will – they use the materials provided at any time, at their sole discretion.
  7. In particularly justified cases, the Service Provider – at the Participant’s request – may extend the Subscription Period for a specified number of days. Such and extension shall be free of charge, but it may only take place due to circumstances beyond the fault of the Participant (Force Majeure)
  8. For participation in the Training/course, the user receives – in addition to the relevant certificates and attestations – an invoice issued by the Service Provider based on the User’s data provided during the registration process.


  1. The Service Provider will exercise all due diligence to ensure that the use of the Website proceeds without interruptions, and the Website operates without faults and inconvenience for Users/Customers/Participants. The Service Provider reserves the right to short-term interruptions in the functioning of the Website, resulting from necessary repairs, maintenance, and backup works. As far as possible, if the above-mentioned activities do not result from defects, but from planned activities, the Service Provider undertakes to notify the Participants about such works, stating the expected duration of the inability to use the Website. In this case, the Subscription Period shall be extended by the duration of the above-mentioned activities.
  2. A Participant who is unable to use the Website due to faults on the part of the Website, reports this fact to the Service Provider via e-mail to the following address: office@slideformation.com, if possible. The Service Provider will immediately take all steps to restore the proper functioning of the Website.


  1. In order to participate in the Training/course purchased by them, the Participant logs in to the Website using the previously determined login and password.
  2. The participant has access to the course 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, subject to §6 sec. 1 of these Terms and Conditions. The duration of the course and the dates of using the shared resources depend solely on the discretion of the Participant. The above means that the user begins and ends the course at any time throughout the entire Subscription Period.
  3. The Participant acknowledges and undertakes to prohibit sharing their Website account with third parties. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damage caused by the Participant as a result of making their Website account available to third parties.
  4. The participant acknowledges and undertakes to prohibit any unauthorized modification of the content of the Training/courses and the materials made available.
  5. The Participant acknowledges that all resources made available to them while using the Website are covered by copyright within the meaning of the Act on Copyright and Related Rights, and the copyright to all resources on the Website belongs solely to the Service Provider.
  6. The Service Provider reserves the right to suspend the Participant’s account and cancel the login and password assigned to them in a situation where the Participant takes actions that threaten the seamless functioning of the Website, including in particular attempts to modify or delete the Website’s resources without the consent of the Service Provider and behaves in relation to the Service Provider and other Participants in a manner contrary to the principles of social coexistence.
  7. In a case referred to in §7 sec. 7 of these Terms of Conditions, the fee for the remainder of the subscription period will not be refunded.
  8. The participant has the right to resign from using the Website resources at any time by deleting the account they created on the Website. If the account is deleted by the Participant, the fee for participation in the Training/course will not be refunded in whole nor in part.


  1. In the event of any defects in the products offered via the Website, the Participant has the right to lodge a complaint. The complaint should be submitted in writing to the following e-mail address: office@slideformation.com.
  2. The complaint of the Participant should include his name and surname, the name of the Training/course to which the said complaint relates, a description of the complaint with an indication of the Participant’s request and the circumstances justifying the complaint.
  3. After discovering a product defect, the Participant shall immediately, but not later than within 14 days from the date of discovery of the defect, notify the Service Provider of the fact in the manner described above. The subscription period for the Participant will be extended by the time required to consider the complaint.


  1. All materials and resources published on the Website are the exclusive property of the Service Provider. They are covered by copyright within the meaning of the Act on Copyright and Related Rights (Journal of Laws of 1994 No. 124, item 83 as amended). Copying and distributing materials and resources, subject to §9 sec. 2 requires individual written consent of the Service Provider for every case.
  2. Materials and resources included in individual Training/courses, including in particular text studies, graphic files, PDF files, audio and video recordings, may be used exclusively by the Participant. The Participant may copy and use them without the written consent of the Service Provider only for personal use, including professional activities (not competitive to those of the Service Provider), without the right to disseminate these materials and resources.


  1. By registering on the Website, the User agrees to the processing of personal data provided by them voluntarily (referred to in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, referred to as the GDPR regulation. The user is aware that refusing to consent to the processing of personal data will render it impossible to sign up for the training and participate in it.
  2. The personal data referred to above, required to sign up for the training and provide the training service, are: name and surname, e-mail address, telephone number. The scope of personal data indicated above constitutes a closed catalogue – no other personal data is processed in the process of signing up for the training, participating in it, and award of documents confirming the completion of the training.
  3. The personal data referred to above are processed only for the purpose of enabling the Participant to sign up for and participate in the training and to receive the training completion documents. Personal data are not processed for any other purpose, and in particular, they are not shared with third parties.
  4. The administrator of personal data is the Service Provider – Sogito Piotr Garlej, ul. Kilara 11/1, 05-092 Łomianki Dolne, Poland, NIP 5671679493, REGON 142916772. The administrator has not appointed a Data Protection Officer – all information regarding data processing is provided by the administrator, email: office@slideformation.com
  5. The processing of personal data takes place in order to provide the services specified in the present Terms and Conditions and to meet the statutory objectives – reporting obligations to the Central Statistical Institute and the Educational Information System.
  6. The personal data of the User/Customer are necessary for the purposes of registration on the Website. Participant’s personal data are required for the process of order fulfilment – participation in the Training/course.
  7. The User/Customer/Participant has the right to request access, verification, change and deletion of their personal data, and to transfer them to a third party.
  8. The administrator does not use personal data profiling.
  9. The Participant has the right to lodge a complaint to the President of the Polish Personal Data Protection Office regarding the violation of their right to the protection of personal data or other rights granted under the provisions of the GDPR Regulation.
  10. The Customer/Participant may change personal data on their own, after logging in to their panel on the Website. At the request of the Participant, appropriate changes are made immediately by the Administrator, to the extent indicated by the Participant. In particular, the Customer/Participant may determine the level of visibility of their profile – for internet search engines, for logged in people, for administrators, exclusively for them, etc.
  11. Personal data are stored for as long as it is necessary to ensure the Participant’s participation in the training/trainings and to issue the training completion documents.
  12. Participants’ personal data are anonymized – when using the website services, the Participant uses the Username specified by them, no personal data will be visible to third parties.
  13. Participants’ personal data are not transferred outside the European Economic Area.


  1. The User/Customer, when becoming a Participant (by purchasing the Training/course on the Website), voluntarily agrees to all provisions of the present Terms and Conditions.
  2. The Service Provider reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions. The Participants will be notified about the change of the Terms and Conditions by e-mail sent to the address provided during registration on the Website.
  3. In matters not covered by the present Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the Polish Civil Code, the Act on the Protection of Personal Data and the Act on Copyright and Related Rights, as well as all provisions relating to off-premises sales shall apply.
  4. All inquiries regarding the use of the Website should be directed to the following e-mail address: office@slideformation.com

Any questions? office@slideformation.com
Copyright Piotr Garlej 2021